The global censorship octopus that threatens to squeeze all dissent and truth from seeing the light of day in media has another important target. Controlling information in the education system is just as important, and a faster and more powerful method of convulsing a cultural revolution.
More than a century ago the development of behavioral modification techniques opened the door to molding children as “well-adjusted” citizens. Recognizing the opportunity to control the future, the behavioral psychs began infiltrating the education system. Beginning with Columbia University Teacher’s College, they spread the mind control agenda across American education. The culmination of that perversion of education can be seen today on full display in the indoctrination centers we call public schools.
The more obvious and destructive program is sexualizing children at young ages and spreading gender confusion at schools. More insidious is the CRT and anti-racism that polarizes children into tribal groups. The proliferation of alternative news sites that counter regime propaganda has raised the necessity to mind mold children through news. While Newsguard works on a broader level to crush independent opposition media by blacklisting sites from advertising dollars, there are specific programs designed to censor news for K through 12 school children.

The whole-of-society approach is a feel-good Orwellian construct that sounds like a wholesome community goal. Whole of society is a totalitarian approach to governance where the government issues edicts and coerces corporations, NGOs, and citizens themselves to enforce them by creating a 360-degree wall of Soviet-style police force action. In practice, this becomes a small group of powerful people using public-private partnerships to overrun Constitutional protections, censor ideas they don’t like, and deny their opponents access to banking, credit, the internet, and other public accommodations. The anxiety of continuous surveillance, the constant threat of cancellation, and the suffocating social control make whole of society an Orwellian nightmare.
As part of the whole-of-society approach, the sociopathic overlords seek what they call media sustainability, another euphemism that sounds reasonable enough. It is not. Purported to be interested in freedom of the press and the free exchange of ideas, media sustainability has instead become the effort to prop up the failing propaganda state media apparatus that MSM has become and censor the dissenting views growing on alternate media and through social media platforms.
Because the younger generation is so plugged in online, the need to control the information they receive has become mission critical. As with any covert psyop, a good Orwellian name greases the wheels. The innocent-sounding “media literacy program” would seem an innocuous way to help school kids better discern news. Far from it. Like the so-called non-partisan fact-checking outfits that pretend they are just there to help root out disinformation but are more biased and misleading than the stories they presume to fix, the educational program slides in on the innocence of youth and brings bias and indoctrination through the back door.
One Rhode Island teacher blew the whistle on how slanted their DHS-funded program worked. Every teaching example of bad journalism is a right-side idea with a left-wing idea presented as good and correct. The biased message taught is unmistakable to the unwoke but imperceptible to the leftist teachers as anything but truth. The last thing this program imparts is any critical thinking skills or the ability to challenge the news slants that are universally presented in the MSM.
According to Parents Defending Education, numerous NGOs get money from DHS grants and private funders like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The largest, Panorama Education, founded by Merrick Garland’s son-in-law Xan Tanner, receives over five million dollars and pushes CRT themes across seven states. A typical Panorama survey includes questions like, "How confident are you that students at your school can have honest conversations with each other about race?" The second largest is National Equity Project (NEP), which has been paid 2.8 million. According to their website, NEP’s Black Teacher Project aims to "re-imagine schools as communities of liberated learning" and "create equitable systems and structures that challenge and disrupt the status quo." The emphasis taught to educators is upending the power hierarchy of white supremacy rather than actually teaching students.
Newsela aggregates and curates the news for school districts by subscription, and distributes content that is often used to promote an “activist and social justice perspective.” The founder and CEO of Newsela is Matthew Gross, a major player dedicated to Common Core Curriculum. That would be the same Common Core entrenched in social and emotional learning, as well as “white privilege” and anti-bias training. Newsela rewrites news stories for different levels of school-age consumption. It sounds great and is when topics are non-controversial. What isn’t mentioned is that they get all the news from decidedly left-wing government-approved sites like The Washington Post, The Guardian, CNN, and AP. Any articles on politics or culture have the strong left-wing and woke slant of the MSM.
From the woke indoctrination of teachers at colleges and universities to the use of wokified texts and curriculum, and now the curation and indoctrination of news for children, the cultural revolution is all but a fait accompli. The public school indoctrination camps will continue until we can get the federal government out of education and return it to our local communities where it belongs.
Wrong Speak is a free-expression platform that allows varying viewpoints. All views expressed in this article are the author's own.