Mandating Madness: The U.S. Military’s Avoidance Strategy to Silence Whistleblowers
When Lt. Macie blew the whistle to bring attention to disturbing health trends in the military he expected action and instead he got investigated.
Humans often shy away from confronting unsettling truths about themselves or their surroundings. This behavior can be likened to an alcoholic in denial, a spouse oblivious to their partner's infidelity, or a mother unaware of harm being done to their child via their decisions.
For the average person, this denial is not just an individual act but is deeply ingrained and systemic. This widespread denial often manifests as propaganda, manipulation, misinformation, and other forms of deception.
Ignoring the truth essentially means relinquishing one's power.
In his book, "States of Denial: Knowing about Atrocities and Suffering", Stanley Cohen delves into the concept of denial. He describes it as an intricate subconscious mechanism we employ to deal with emotions like guilt and anxiety that are triggered by confronting reality.
This is CrimeStop, a term coined by George Orwell in his dystopian novel "1984". It refers to the ability to stop short of any thought that might be heretical or unorthodox, effectively preventing one's mind from committing a "thoughtcrime”.
Here is how Orwell describes it:
"Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity."
A linguistic weapon that is now ubiquitously wielded by those suffering from “protective stupidity” to justify dismissing someone is a "conspiracy theorist”. This often elicits strong emotions and many fear being labeled a "conspiracy theorist" because it's deemed irrational or indicative of a mental imbalance, though it does seem to be losing its power due to how often it is used contemporarily.
But why does this term provoke such a visceral response? At its core, it simply refers to more than one individual planning and then orchestrating events in a deceptive manner for their benefit.
One of the most potent tools against innovation and discovery is ridicule. It has the unparalleled ability to shut down open-mindedness in an instant. Only those with a truly independent mindset can resist its influence. It's essential to understand that many people lack the time or expertise to dissect unfamiliar situations. A common tactic to discredit a narrative is to focus on one aspect, offer a mundane explanation for it, and then claim the entire story as debunked.
Labeling uncharted research areas with terms like "occult," "fringe," or "new-age" can deter mainstream scientists from exploring them due to ingrained biases. Such labeling can hinder genuine investigation into these areas for extended periods, even decades.
I highlight the role of denial and ridicule in our society because the following information will no doubt be labeled and denied by the “stupidity protectorate” among us, explaining it away as a “misunderstanding” or even better, one of the government's new favorite labels mis/dis/mal-information which amounts to anything they deem inconvenient to the narrative that they are trying to get the public to believe. In fact, the Department of Defense has already been very dubious regarding the information contained in this article, manufacturing explanations designed to produce plausible deniability in an attempt to bury the unsettling reality.
Mandating Madness
Lt. Ted Macie has served his country for 22 years, first enlisted in the construction battalion shortly before 9/11 in March 2021, and then deployed multiple times. He participated in two Cobra Gold Joint Exercises in Thailand and was stationed in Okinawa and Sasebo, Japan, Guam, Kuwait, and Afghanistan before being shipped to Spain for three years where he and his wife Mara had their first child. By 2013 he was in the Navy Reserve while in school where he had attained his graduate degree in Health Administration and became a Commissioned Officer in the Medical Service Corp. In short, he has done everything the military has asked of him, serving his country dutifully and with integrity for more than two decades.
I first heard of Lt. Macie’s story while we were still officially in the declared pandemic in the winter of 2021. I watched with horror like everyone else when the DOD decided that in order to “protect the force and defend the American people”, they needed to mandate an experimental vaccine for every soldier in the force. To me, this sounded like the exact opposite of “protecting the force”. It seemed irrational beyond comprehension considering there was no long-term data at the time and what data we were seeing was indicating that the mRNA “vaccines” were actually causing people harm, not to mention they didn’t stop infection. That fact alone, that they didn’t stop infection, should have been the end of the story both with the military mandates and the civilian mandates that were being pushed on the populace. However, this was just the beginning as government and military officials put on the full court press, refusing to back down and insisting this was all for our own good.
In the Secretary of Defense Memorandum that announced the mandates that have since been rescinded I might add, he stated:
“Mandatory vaccinations are familiar to all of our Service members, and mission-critical inoculation is almost as old as the U.S. military itself.”
What the SecDef fails to mention is that the U.S. military has a checkered past in using experimental vaccines on its soldiers and we’re not talking about some far-off past. As recently as 1998, the DOD decided that they would roll out an Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP), and by November 29th, 2001, 522,529 service members received a total of 2,098,544 doses of the “vaccine”.
This program was put into place due to the DOD’s concern that anthrax could potentially be used as a biological weapon by Saddam Hussein. This led to what amounts to a massive experimental vaccination campaign on our soldiers.
In the book “Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers and Why GI’s Are Only The First Victims”, through interviews Gary Matsumoto recounts many of the harrowing experiences recipients of the anthrax vaccine experienced.
“In 1997 I was stationed at Dover AFB, Delaware. In the course of my tenure at Dover, I helped follow up on all Gulf War-era veterans for the Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program (CCEP) in the Tri-State region. Most reported autoimmune illnesses such as severe arthritic pain, rashes, nervous system damage, numbness and tingling in extremities, excessive fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, vertigo and “gray-outs,” cardiac and gastrointestinal problems. They also complained of problems receiving care, often citing active-duty medical providers who told them that their illnesses were all in their heads. Unfortunately, this message is still being propagated in military medicine and being reportedly conveyed to new medical providers who enter active service.”
It must be noted that the reason Matsumoto named his book “Vaccine A” is because that is how the military denoted it on soldiers' military records. They literally hid the fact that they administered highly experimental vaccines to service members and many have testified that they were ordered to take them while being under the impression that it was a commonly given vaccine.
There are many facets to this story, from the legal mechanisms that allowed the military to do this, to the financial ties the manufacturer Bioport had with members of the administration at the time, but it’s important to highlight the fact that this isn’t as unprecedented as it may seem. After the Gulf War, which deployed approximately 697,000 troops, soldiers began to complain of a wide range of symptoms which included memory and concentration problems, unexplained fatigue, persistent headaches, skin rashes, digestive difficulties, respiratory symptoms, and widespread pain.
This set of symptoms, unexplainable by conventional medicine, was termed “Gulf War Syndrome”. According to a Veterans Administration Report entitled “Gulf War Illness and the Health of Gulf War Veterans,” it is estimated that up to 32% of veterans who served in the 1990-1991 Gulf War have this set of symptoms, a staggering 250,000 servicemen and women. The one common variable that every troop shares? Vaccine A or the Anthrax Vaccine.
While reading that VA report I found some of the descriptions of the symptoms described as remarkably close to what has now been termed “Long COVID,” and considering that 72.3% of the world’s population, an almost unbelievable number have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine, the notion that it may be at least in part the culprit for “Long COVID” should seriously be considered.
Blowing The Whistle
Lt. Macie has subsequently become an official whistleblower which should afford him the legal protections he is entitled to, but as we have seen in the past, whistleblowers are usually greeted with disdain and skepticism, subject to retribution despite what the law says and especially if powerful interests are involved.
Lt. Macie blew the whistle because, in his role as a clinic administrator, he has access to DMED, an acronym for “Defense Medical Epidemiological Database” which according to Health.Mil:
“provides remote access to a subset of data contained within the Defense Medical Surveillance System. DMSS contains up-to-date and historical data on diseases and medical events (e.g., hospitalizations, ambulatory visits, reportable diseases, etc.) and longitudinal data relevant to personnel characteristics and deployments experience for all active and reserve component service members.”
It is one of the best epidemiological databases in existence, providing detailed data on a wide range of health-related conditions and issues within the U.S. Military. It is used to ensure the health of the fighting force isn’t compromised. At least it was until Lt. Macie was told about some anomalies by his colleagues.
“My current role is the clinic administrator. I work at the largest clinic in the southeast attached to Naval Hospital Jacksonville, FL. My main role is Department Head. The other roles I have are manpower, legal (processing military proceedings, not a lawyer), supply and senior watch officer (duty), and public affairs. I was told about them by Mark Bashaw, Sam Sigoloff, and Theresa Long ( I didn’t know Pete Chambers yet) in the fall/winter of 2021, following that the first DMED roundtable happened and the DOD responded saying it was “data corruption”.
Well, at least they got half of that correct. The initial post on social media that went viral showed the following increases.
“Percentage Increase Over the Average of the Last Five Years: Heart attacks 269%, Cancer 300%, Pericarditis 175%, Myocarditis 285%, Pulmonary Embolisms 467%, Cerebral Infarction 393%, Bell's Palsy 319%, Guillain-Barre 250%, Immunodeficiencies 275%, Menstrual Irregularity 476%, Multiple Sclerosis 487%, Miscarriage 306%, HIV 590%, Chest Pain 1,529%, Labored Breathing 905%, Neurological Issues 1052%.”
The question remains, is the DOD trying to hide these numbers because it would essentially be an indictment of the mandate it placed on its soldiers to get the COVID-19 vaccine while still under Emergency Use Authorization or face expulsion from service? DOD Spokeswoman Lisa Lawrence was quoted in an uncritical Reuters article explaining what happened:
“Comparing the DMED database to the source data contained in DMSS, the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division (AFHSD) discovered that the total number of medical diagnoses from 2016-2020 that were accessible in DMED represented only a small fraction of actual medical diagnoses for those years. In contrast, the 2021 total number of medical diagnoses were up to date in DMED…this resulted in the appearance of significantly increased occurrence of all medical diagnoses in 2021 because of the underreported data for 2016-2020. AFHSD has taken DMED offline to identify and correct the root cause of the data corruption,” Lawrence added.
I can’t help but wonder what the odds are that this “corruption of data” was only discovered after DOD heard reports via leaks that DMED was showing astronomical increases in a wide range of medical conditions. You probably have the same skeptical smirk on your face as I did when I first learned of this amazing series of events.
“Since I learned of this I've kept my eye on it since then and we all started to notice the problems. I took those issues to Ron Johnson and the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations on 6 January 2023. Johnson wrote a letter to SECDEF. The Undersecretary wrote back and acknowledged the data as accurate, however, he stated it was from the virus itself. Not only the data, but my anecdotal evidence being that people I know and work with had everything from tinnitus with hearing loss, to stroke, pulmonary embolism, and even death”, said Lt. Macie.
As he mentioned, these DMED anomalies were brought before the world via the DMED Roundtable hosted by Senator Johnson. The numbers at the time were off the charts and after learning of it, the DOD issued a statement alleging the numbers were not accurate because of a “data corruption” error. However, since the “adjustment” Lt. Macie, who had access to DMED at the time, continued to monitor it for anomalies. It should be noted that his access has subsequently been revoked once his superiors learned that he had shared some of his findings. He had been publicly displaying the data since winter 2021, but it wasn’t until a video he made went viral that he was denied all of his access. He has since learned that he is under investigation for the crime of telling the truth.
Lt. Macie told me about the anomalies he has seen that spurred his motivation to blow the whistle:
“The majority, to include the external cause morbidities all start to rise in 2021. The only common denominator I can think of is the shot, but I am determined to get the DOD and Congress to conduct an open and transparent investigation into the cause. Their pushback can only lead me to assumptions. Severe decline in mental health and increased stress is a major concern all while we are losing providers, staff and active military has been stretching us thin. A team of what should be 6 providers is down to 1. We are at the point where we are moving towards active duty only, when the norm was military dependents and retirees. Besides the obvious injuries and unexplained deaths from a young adult in his 20s dying 3 days after his 2nd shot, a pilot 10 days after 2nd shot, etc., the lack of concern and blatant disregard for what is actively happening to our force and the deafening silence and obfuscation from the entire chain of command and congress. It even sparked us to get involved in local politics because we see the lack of action by DC. The only way to change it and take our power back is through local grassroots action, there is no way to change DC through the current office holders.”
Incidents of self-harm, a pre-existing problem in the military have skyrocketed, along with mortality due to accidents, and yet the military refuses to acknowledge the ongoing problem.
“Some superiors are supportive, others not so much. Supportive as in they let me do my thing, but aren’t acting themselves. The upper chain of command i.e. general officers etc. are doing nothing about it and in fact ignoring it, obviously. Some sprinkled here and there will bring some attention, but it goes nowhere. Lives are being destroyed, irreversible damage, careers over due to Medical boards leading to separation, depleted force, disillusioned service members, lasting impacts that are only trending worse and will take at least 10 years to recover from” said Lt. Col. Macie.
As you can imagine the stress of sticking your neck out in such a way has had personal repercussions. Macie, an avid runner said that he trained for three years to be able to compete in the Boston Marathon only to be denied because he refused to get the vaccination.
“I’ve been dealing with the stress of it all and attempting to get accountability for everything that has happened to prevent it from happening any more. I have 4 children and I will not stand by and let this happen to them, nor to innocent people.” Referring to his fellow whistleblowers, “Apparently we are the only ones concerned and willing to do something about our fellow service members. As I like to say “no one is coming, it’s up to us. If we lead the way in encouraging others to stand up we can start to heal. It could be contagious. Put yourself out there. It may not come overnight but you can never go wrong doing the right thing, we owe It to our service members, all the service members who fought since the Revolutionary War, our kids and friends, most of all, God.”
Finally, I asked, Is there any message or key point you would like to convey to the public about your experience and findings?
“Yes, we’re in trouble. The inaction of leadership at this point is because they are afraid of losing their careers or possibly in some situations, still buy into the bullshit because they have been willfully ignorant to climb the ladder so to speak. Either way, it has been proven through their inaction.”
As they say, history doesn’t repeat itself but it does rhyme and if more brave souls like Lt.Macie both within the military and outside of it don’t stand up and do the right thing, instead of burying their heads in the sand or simply outright denying that we have a major problem on our hands, we are in trouble.
The “stupidity protectorate” will have you disbelieve what your eyes see, ignore what your ears hear, and most of all ignore what your gut tells you. We must resist all of the gaslighting, ridicule, straw men, and the “experts” that are trotted out using these methods, which are the tactics of tyrants. History will frown upon this era and our children will be asking why we didn’t do anything about it when we had the chance. What do you plan on telling them?
My idea of Vaccine B.