The left hates questions concerning things they say because most of what they say makes no sense. When the left is questioned on their nonsensical assertions, the blowback is usually so violent that the right retreats or even compromises on matters of morality for fear of being seen as extremist.
When a child wants to transition to another gender, we are told we must affirm that decision. The child knows who they truly are, and we must accept their decision, no matter what.
I saw a story of a 19-year-old boy who declared to his parents he felt he was really a girl. The mother was immediately enlightened and now understood why her son had experienced issues with depression and anxiety since middle school. When the boy came home pretending to be a girl, he was nervous about being “out” in public, and the mother was nervous too. He asked her for advice on being out as a transgender.
Her response was, “Honestly, I don’t know. Let’s figure it out together.”
Her response implies no research was done by the boy or the parents concerning transgenders before beginning the transition.
For his 20th birthday, they threw a re-birthday party. This is where he announces to everyone who he really is and celebrates his true identity. It also provides the parents the opportunity to openly demonstrate their acceptance.
The word child is used a lot in the article. The title of the story even uses the word child. Although the child in this story is 19 years old, the use of the word child suggests these decisions could be made by children even younger than age 19. The article implies counseling should be sought after you affirm your child’s decision and the counseling is seen as a tool to help the parents and the child move forward. It is never suggested that counseling should be looked into before making this transition.
An adult can be considered a juvenile (child) based on how they act in certain situations. For example, Joe’s actions at the company party were considered juvenile, meaning childish or immature. The key here is Joe is an adult. Joe’s behavior at the company party consisted of actions befitting a child and not an adult. This demonstrates that an adult can act like a child; but can a child act like an adult and make adult decisions?
According to the left, children should be able to make these life-altering decisions but should be considered childish when they engage in criminal behavior.
This year, the Louisiana state legislature—in a legislative special session on crime—repealed the 2017 Raise the Age Bill, allowing courts to now try 17-year-olds as adults.
The left is not in favor of this change because they say the research on brain development illustrates the human brain is not completely formed until the age of 25, so decision-making abilities of young people aren't fully mature until then.

Think about the child who at age 19 decides they want to change their gender. Think about the children even younger, who make this “decision” and we are told our role is to affirm this decision despite research on brain development that illustrates the human brain is not completely formed until the age of 25, so decision-making abilities of young people aren't fully mature until then.
If the human brain is not completely developed until age 25, and we shouldn’t try 17-year old’s for crimes they may have committed, then doesn’t it seem logical that a child, should not be permitted to make the decision to change their gender until they are at least age 25?
Presenting this argument wins you the transphobic label.
If you suggest that a 17-year-old who murdered a clerk at a gas station should be tried as an adult, you are accused of not being sympathetic to the plight of young people who truly aren’t mature enough to understand the seriousness of the crime they have committed. If you discuss the number of things a child is not allowed to do because their brains are not fully developed and they lack the mental capacity to do many of these things, you are told this generalization of information does not apply to all children.
The left knows what’s right and what’s wrong but will die on the altar of what’s wrong until we all bend the knee and allow children to make adult decisions.
The right will stand strong until they are viewed as extremist, transphobic, and uncompassionate. Then to show they stand for nothing at all, the right will bend the knee and compromise their morality.
Suggesting we are being cruel and immoral by preventing children from transitioning is demanding we embrace evil. Presenting the argument that a child has the mental capacity to determine they are the wrong gender and must transition from one gender to another but a young person who commits murder does not possess the mental capacity to understand what they have done makes no sense.
We must stand strong and not compromise in this area at all. Fighting for truth and what is morally right takes a specific type of courage we all need to embrace.
“Moral cowardice is not an attractive nor inspiring nor a very practical trait.” Ayn Rand.
Wrong Speak is a free-expression platform that allows varying viewpoints. All views expressed in this article are the author's own.
I support the use of vaccines, however the COVID vaccine was produced too fast and no one was allowed to question it. If you presented questions or alternatives you were shut down. We were more or less forced to comply by the government. My concerns are with big pharma and the money they make creating poison. The number of pharma adds on TV is ridiculous. They push drugs for aliments I've never heard of. Until they started running this commercial I'd never heard of this "disease".'s%20disease%20is%20a%20buildup,results%20in%20a%20bent%20penis.
Why? $$$$$$$$$. Which leads to our healthcare system which is in the tank. No desire to keep us healthy; it's all about selling drugs and keep you coming back for more. I know people who go get their annual physical and the doctors are shocked they're not on any medication. It should be the other way around. Doctors should be shocked that you are on meds. (BTW these people I'm speaking of are between the ages of 60 and 64) Science that makes sense is important to me. If you want me to be a part of managing my health then don't get mad at me when I push back on things you might suggest. There are natural products that can help people with a myriad of issues but the government says they're illegal. What we eat in general is trash but new weight loss drugs are pushed on us instead of eating better and staying active. I'm on BP meds and I hate them, but I'm still active, I used to be a long distance runner until the vaccine and bad doctors messed me up. I'm still in good shape for a 63 year old man. I've gotten off topic but my main point is don't write all of us conservatives off. I know there are sane democrats out there ( you appear to be one) so if we work together maybe we can change something. Final thought, I hate that we the people, probably won't get to hear or see a debate that includes RFK Jr. This is our election but we're only allowed to hear the voice of certain people. The media manipulators play a a huge role in this.
This entire attack on children is, in my opinion, a giant transference of the malaise in our adult population that refuses to be adults with adult responsibilities. If children can make these life-altering decisions, then there's no need for adults and adult guidance. We're all in one big playpen titillating ourselves with whatever feels good, and there's no right and wrong. The stiff spines are completely missing on the left, and few and far between on the right. At least we have a few leaders trying to drag the overgrown children back to sanity. Some months back I read an article that stated there were a total of five democratic politicians across the USA in state legislatures going against their party when it comes to the attacks on women and children. Then there's the windsocks on the right, still in middle school and waffling as they try and make up their minds whether to join the evil clique. God bless The Five!