The title says it all. Kamala Harris is perhaps the biggest nightmare to have ever run for president, and I am going to tell you all about it.
Let’s start with the most alarming thing that she announced: price controls for food. Price controls haven’t worked in any country that has tried it, from Cuba to Venezuela to China, every country that has ever tried these policies has resulted in widespread shortages and starvation. There is no way that the federal government could ever, with a country this size, even remotely be able to feasibly, adjust to market changes like buying habits, shortages, and shipping costs to make that an even remotely possible goal.
Her tax plans. Let’s discuss what taxes on unrealized gains mean. If anyone owns stocks they would be harshly affected. It would mean that every January the stock market would crash as investors sell 25% of their stocks to have the cash to pay the federal government. Anyone who has retirement accounts in the stock market will be affected by the crash.
So in turn businesses won’t be able to expand or create jobs because stocks are how they are able to do that. It’s a way for businesses to have the cash to grow, and without that money, the economy, in terms of jobs for everyone, will grind to a halt.
In addition, this would kill start-up companies. Most startup companies do not contain liquid cash, and investors simply give money in exchange for shares, and those shares are worth either $0 or a lot of money, depending on how well the company does. So let’s say the start-up company does really well, instead of investors receiving their money back, they would have to pay 25% of what the stocks are now worth, to the federal government.

And of course, this all depends on the whims of the federal government. Start-up companies fluctuate wildly in price. So we can assume the federal government would simply take what the stock was worth at its highest point, and go from there.
Finally, once again the proposal is based on lies. Kamala said that it would apply only to billionaires. The reality is that it would apply to anyone who has more than $100 million in assets. And while you may think there is no way I have that amount of money, in terms of retirement accounts that are often in the stock market, I believe it would be very easy to do, especially if you are elderly and have taken the time to build a successful portfolio.
People will argue with me that this will only apply to the “mega wealthy”. But, those who believe that simply don’t know the history of taxes.
Income tax was started by the federal government in 1913 and it was only for the mega rich, and of course, it didn’t take long for the government to apply income tax to every single citizen in the United States.
So what if this tax plan was applied to me, right now? We paid $210,000 for our house, we took out a loan and it’s still not paid off. Our house is now worth $291,000 (thanks to inflation). That's $81,000 in “gains”. 25% of that is $20,000. So that means we would have to pay the federal government $20,000, just to live in my house in the future if her plans come to fruition and these taxes would apply to me.
And as the government prints money that will only get worse as time goes on. Eventually, we will have to sell my home because I just can’t pay $20,000+ per year.
Her entire campaign feels like gaslighting. “Joy”, joy about what? About $3.50/gallon gas? About food prices tripling and quadrupling in price? About two wars that have no end in sight while my friend is being deployed? About inflation skyrocketing to the point where I’m now considered working class instead of middle class? About $100+/month electricity bills for the same amount of electricity? About 3% inflation instead of deflation?
What exactly do I have to be joyful about?
And her debate performance, while slightly calmer than Trump’s, left me feeling as though this woman has no plan whatsoever. She promised more handouts, despite the fact that handouts increase inflation. She promised she’d fix the economy. But the question on my mind is why do I have to wait for those things when you’re in office? Why can’t you do them right now?
Finally, I cannot end this article without mentioning her and Biden’s rewrite of Title 9. According to them, my daughter will have no rights to single-sex spaces, (including locker rooms, bathrooms, hospital wards, dorm rooms) or fair participation in sports. All so that men in dresses, and boys of Munchausen moms, can “feel” like women and use my child as a tool to validate their “gender identity”.
Thanks to the Supreme Court this has been blocked, for now. But it’s hilarious to me how many women will vote for this party to codify a “national abortion rights bill” when clearly women are not a priority to the Democratic Party.
The Democratic Party had the House, Senate, and Presidency. All they had to do was copy and paste Roe v. Wade onto a sheet of paper. Instead, they attempted to pass a bill so extreme it made Europeans blush, allowing abortions even after fetal viability. A bill that the majority of Americans do not support.
Kamala Harris will simply be a continuation of the Biden administration and in a lot of ways worse. Her ignorance about economics, and how her policies would affect the market, make her someone I simply cannot vote for, and I hope that she is not elected into office.
Wrong Speak is a free-expression platform that allows varying viewpoints. All views expressed in this article are the author's own.
Exactly what you said!
Kamala Harris (SHEep/HERd)