Jennifer Lewis is an angry black woman. She is a Hollywood elitist and a member of the progressive left who is following their playbook to the tee. Her job is to scare voters into voting for Joe Biden in November 2024. Her methods do not require facts and there is no need for her to prove what she yells; you are just supposed to believe her and vote “blue no matter who.”
Who is Jennifer Lewis? I would describe her as a low-level Hollywood entertainer. She is famously known for her role in the television sitcom, “Blackish”. She is a strong believer in the agenda of the progressive left. She may still be a strong supporter of Val Demings, a lady who ran against Marco Rubio for the senate seat in Florida in 2022. Lewis predicted a victory for Demings as she ranted and yelled on stage during a rally.
Her prediction fell flat.
Lewis appeared on a podcast with Zerlina Maxwell where she discussed what she knows is going to happen if Trump is elected president in 2024.
In a calm voice, she claims that as soon as he takes the oath of office, he will have generals walk down the steps of the capital and he will break the glass where the Constitution is and tear it up in front of our faces and say, “Now I am the king of the world, and you will bow down to me.”
She goes on to state, that Trump will then punish all who did not vote for him.
But this is where her truth gets good. This is where, if you had popcorn in your hand, you stopped eating it so you could digest every word proceeding from this foul-mouthed woman.
Now she’s angry and wants to be sure you hear her foolishness. She starts foaming at the mouth and tells you, doubters of her truth, how she knows this shit.

She screams “I know this because I know what mental illness looks like!”
Zerlina Maxwell’s only comment during this portion of the clip was “Hm.” I’m not sure if it is a Hm of agreement or Hm this bitch has lost her mind.
I’m sure there were no follow-up questions to this unstable ranting and no need for proof of these outlandish assertions.
Lewis closes out her argument by saying Trump is Hitler and he didn’t come to play.
When Trump lost the election in 2020, the progressive left went on a rampage looking for and canceling voters on the right. People with conservative views were vilified. It was highly recommended that if you worked for Trump, you should be fired from your job. This was the belief of people on the left like AOC. These were the people who wanted to punish those who supported Trump and didn’t vote for Biden.
Biden hasn’t gone to the capital and torn up the Constitution in our face and declared himself king; however, his disregard for the laws of this land, specifically by not protecting our borders, (Article IV Sec 4 of the Constitution), working with big tech and the MSM to suppress our right to free speech, and disregarding the ruling of the Supreme Court concerning his desire to cancel student loans, are all paramount to tearing up the Constitution.
Last year Biden gave a tongue lashing to voters who identify as MAGA and ranted and raved on a dark stage lit with red lights while armed military soldiers stood by.
Maybe that is the image that made Lewis decide to refer to Trump as Hitler.
After freely sharing her indefensible thoughts, I do believe Lewis knows what mental illness looks like.
It’s hard to miss it when she sees it every day in the mirror.
Another video captured the eloquence with which Lewis speaks, as she discussed how white people will vote for Trump because they are afraid of black and brown people. She believes once he is elected, people of color will be locked up.
Her unfounded, irrational pontificating has no place in the public square especially when you can’t back up your assertions. Just because you scream and curse doesn’t mean you’re right.
What’s discouraging is Americans, mostly black, will listen to Lewis because she’s a Hollywood actress. She’ll be invited to more events, even a few churches, to share her “wisdom” with black Americans who will believe and repeat everything she has to say. White saviors will nod in agreement and begin doing their part to save blacks from the horrors that will be placed upon them if Trump is elected.
If your goal is to persuade people to vote for your candidate, start by discussing the issues that concern the American people. Have honest discussions about policy issues. Discuss real concerns such as high taxes, inflation, open borders, the increase in crime, high gas and grocery prices, and sponsoring wars in the Middle East and Europe for starters.
If home prices and interest rates were good, if the price of groceries and gas were reasonable, if there were no wars or rumors of war, the left wouldn’t have to talk about all the illogical things they think Trump will do when he gets elected.
Jennifer Lewis would probably still be angry, but there would be no need for her to rant and rave if President Biden was doing his job.
Wrong Speak is a free-expression platform that allows varying viewpoints. All views expressed in this article are the author's own.
“I know this because I know what mental illness looks like!”
She sees it every morning in the mirror...