Knock! Knock! “Who’s there?” “It’s LGBT Pride Month.”
This event celebrates lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride during the month of June. Pride Month began after the Stonewall riots, a series of gay liberation protests in 1969.
Were you aware May was Military Appreciation Month, which is meant to raise awareness and encourage celebration and appreciation of those who serve — or have served — in the U.S. Armed Forces? When you shopped at Target or Walmart did you see anything letting you know it was Military Appreciation Month? When you watched the local or national media manipulators, did they inform you it was Military Appreciation Month?
Be prepared for the onslaught of Pride Month propaganda as we roll into the month of June, with most of it directed at your children. Retail outlets such as Walmart, will show their pride as they bend the knee to the progressives and market everything as something you must buy to show your pride.
The manipulation media will share the horrors of being a member of the LGBT+ community and how they need our support as they engage in their sinful lifestyle. We’ll be told we need to change our lives and affirm a group that makes up about 7% of our country. They’ll push their agenda with books and resources for you and your children, and demand you celebrate with them.
Progressive churches will tell you Jesus is love, and that “love is love”. You’ll be told He loves you just the way you are, so stay the way you are.
This is not Biblical truth.
The church and those who seek and desire Jesus in their life desire a changed life, a new life, to be born again. Come to Jesus just as you are, but the hope and prayer of the church is not for you to stay as you are.
There will be parades and drag queen story hour that are about getting kids to discover any aspects of themselves that might be considered “queer” and develop those into a queer political stance that will be conflated with who they believe they are. They’ll be told they’re not truly allowed to be who that is, even though it’s who they really are. Society will object. Their parents will object. It has to be kept secret from parents in case it isn’t affirmed by them. (lifted from “Gender Theory is Full of Frauds and Clowns, by Unskool).

If being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender is not a choice, why the need to recruit children? Why the need for indoctrination, secrecy, and manipulation in schools?
Why is the LGBT+ community so proud?
They are proud because they have infiltrated our military making us appear weak and vulnerable as military leaders spend more time focusing on using proper pronouns and making sure everyone feels safe.
They are proud to know they have taken over our farcical education system, allowing teachers to share their deviant lifestyle with children, convince them they are not the gender they are supposed to be, and then help them transition without consulting the parents.
They celebrate exposing children to books that describe, sometimes in graphic detail, this unnatural lifestyle and accuse you of banning books or obstructing free speech if you say anything about this explicit “literature”.
They are happily taking over women’s sports as biological men set new school and world records that no biological female will ever be able to beat. Young ladies watch their hopes and dreams for college disappear as they lose potential college scholarships to biological males.
Even lesbians get the raw end of the deal. Biological women receive little to no support from groups like the National Women's Law Center, and the National Organization for Women that openly support the transgender movement.
They proudly introduce terms and situations to children that are absolutely confusing, such as cisgender, non-binary, transgender women, transgender men, and gender non-conforming, just to name a few. They love the mental gymnastics you have to engage in trying to explain to a child that a man can give birth to a baby and if you’re a man and you identify as a woman, then it’s okay for you to use the women’s restroom.
There are many in the LGBT+ community who are not trying to indoctrinate your children, nor impose their lifestyle on the general public, but even they are shouted down by the media manipulators, corporate America, and a large percentage of the LGBT+ community who want their lifestyle in your face and for you to affirm it.
If you refuse to affirm them you will be labeled as homophobic, or transphobic by this group that is supposedly filled with love for everyone, except those who disagree with them.
When will the madness stop? When will the majority stop caving to the nonsense being shoveled down their throats every day?
Will you speak up after your child or grandchild comes to you with bizarre sexually oriented questions? Will you speak up when you discover your child is Jill at home and John at school?
It’s comfortable to sit on the sidelines and shake your head at this madness until it’s knocking at your door.
Knock! Knock! I believe someone is knocking at your door….
Wrong Speak is a free-expression platform that allows varying viewpoints. All views expressed in this article are the author's own.
You proudly state you are Christian, which is an admirable thing to do. But your piece would resonate with many people worldwide (and in the US) who are not Christians but who share its basic fundamental morals and values. One can understand that such groups had to fight to be accepted in society, but that’s also a reality when you choose a particular lifestyle that one has to accept its limitations. Decades ago my vegetarian father travelling to the US on business could only get a cheese sandwich for restaurant meals.
Why does being accepted equate with the need to be celebrated? Your circle celebrates you, but why should the whole of society? The only answer I have is narcissism and fetishism. But the other answer to many of your questions is “Follow the $” as investigative journalist Jennifer Bilek has done. This movement could not happen without billionaire transhumanist fetishists funding it.
It’s a shame: now that we have racial equality under the law, and marriage rights for gay couples—what’s left to fight for? The would-be crusaders have to create increasingly absurd “injustices” on which to focus their enjoyable outrage. And since we have adopted a new standard of tolerance and acceptance in our society, they weaponize it to muzzle ANY dissenting opinion of their exponential insanity.
Meanwhile, the Islamists spot the breach in the wall and come pouring joyfully in to conquer more land in the name of Allah. They don’t even need the sword, as we’ve lost the will and the spine to say no and fight back.