A friend from the Air Force Academy sent me a copy of a post entitled, “About Republicans”. Mr. Bill, the author, runs a spice shop called Penzeys. In his post he says, “We live in a time calling out for change and solutions to the very real problems our country and planet face.” He wants to use his “unique positions spices” hold in his life “to try to help promote the solutions to these problems.” He never promotes any solutions.
Bill has watched the “slow decline of the republican party over the last half century and the steep decline/bottom falling out over the last decade.”
Has he watched the decline of the Democrat Party? Has he watched them embrace programs such as DEI, gender-affirming care for children, and calling people of color every name under the sun if they dare disagree with the Democrat Party line? Has he watched our southern border be overrun by illegal immigrants, who take away benefits that should be used on American citizens and veterans? Has he watched the steep decline/bottom falling out of our education system, and the increased rates of crime in many cities controlled by democrats?

He goes on to say these problems were created by Republicans who have no desire to fix them. Continuing, he writes, “The republican departure from conservative values and embrace of what… looks a whole lot like insanity didn’t happen by chance.” Apparently, Republicans “profit from inhumanity that is at the roots of pretty much every problem we are facing.”
The problems he wants to pin on Republicans are a disregard for clean water and air, of course, all of us are racist and are always looking for a way to discriminate against someone. Republicans are responsible for our abysmal healthcare system, and we are the reason why our democracy must be saved. If Bill is really concerned about our Republic, he should ask how he and his supporters have been presented with a nominee for president, they did not vote for.
“Republicans continue to block the solutions to the problems we face, and the other half of the time republicans are the problem we face.” Replace Republican with Democrat so these statements make sense. Mr. Bill has no respect for the nonsense the Republicans are promoting.
Earlier I listed a few of the problems we are facing. They are insane problems created by the nonsense of the Democrat Party.
Bill continues by saying that propaganda is at the heart of how republican voters have been steered away from conservative values. He also implies that much of the propaganda we hear leads to “nothing more than HATE!!!” Bill missed the recording of Maxine Waters telling citizens to get in the face of Republicans and let them know they’re not welcome. Recently the Democrats, who are so full of love and joy, piled on the wife of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for basically not divorcing him when he endorsed Trump for president.
I personally was called a “self-loathing none representing black man, by a black man because we see things differently. I was also called an Uncle Ruckus, because I believe something other than the democrat narrative.
Bill states “But we really have no hate for Republican voters. None at all.”
Bill goes back to the racism issue, stating “there are a growing number that are there for the racism,”. He must be referring to those folks that call me and others names meaning he’s referring to his own party.
Mr. Bill believes the problem is what conservatives are now voting to support. I support secure borders, open and honest elections, no unnecessary wars, low inflation, respect for law enforcement officers, smaller federal government with less regulations and lower taxes, respect for our veterans and current military service men and women, schools that teach children how to read, write and do basic math. I support the Constitution. I am pro-life and I support traditional families and school choice. I believe every American citizen has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I support faith, family, and freedom.
I still have a deep-rooted belief in paying my debts, respecting marriage, raising children willing to serve, honoring your word, and living out our faith. Bill suggests these values caused me to vote for Trump (they can never talk about the issues without mentioning Trump)
Mr. Bill states we are consistently voting for people who are the exact opposite of the values we hold dear.
Then he says, you’re welcome to buy his products; however, “we’re done pretending the Republican Party’s embrace of cruelty, racism, Covid lies, climate change denial, and threats to democracy are anything other than the risks they legitimately are. If you need us to pretend you are not creating the hurt you are creating in order for you to continue to be our customer, I’m sad to say you might be happier elsewhere.”
The Democrat Party believes they are right about everything, you are wrong, and they will not have an intellectual discussion about the issues. Bill closes by implying Republicans don’t support equality, the environment, and democracy.
Bill, I hope you run your business better than you write. Your post was nonsensical and easily discredited. It seems you’re speaking about your own party.
Wrong Speak is a free-expression platform that allows varying viewpoints. All views expressed in this article are the author's own.
Bill is emotionally crippled child. And like the child who has never been told no, he will drop on the floor kicking and screaming at the adults who told him no.
Mr. Grant, do you simply wish to flip the script and insert the word Democrat for Republican in Mr. Bill’s article?