Is COVID Hysteria Leading To Unnecessary Psychiatric And Pharmaceutical Interventions On Kids?
When the FDA fast-tracked and approved the COVID-19 booster shot for 5 to 11-year-old children followed by fast-track approval of the COVID shots for babies at 6 months to 4 years old, I began to wonder.
I’m no doctor, but it doesn’t take one to do a little research and come to the conclusion that a disease like the version of COVID-19 prevalent at the time, posed a minuscule threat to healthy children. It was less dangerous to children than the regular flu and did not warrant imposing widespread vaccination on children.
Considering this brand new vaccine has no long-term studies against harm, questionable effectiveness as seen with adults, and plenty of red flags regarding a long list of actual and potentially serious adverse effects, I’ve been wondering, what was the big hurry?
An article by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, an accomplished neurosurgeon, titled, “COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?” gave a clear rundown. He said, “The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream led by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.”
Dr. Blaylock detailed the unprecedented government takeover of determining medical treatments for individuals, all done by people like Dr. Fauci and other bureaucrats who have not treated a single COVID-19 patient. And to make things worse, any doctors who disagreed with the government dogma, and there are tens of thousands of them, have been systematically attacked, blackballed, maligned, fired, and demonized by the media. This is despite their impeccable credentials in fields like virology, infectious diseases, epidemiology, and pulmonary critical care.
To punctuate the abuse, many of those doctors have successfully treated thousands of COVID-19 patients with good outcomes. They have seen the results with their own eyes. Yet, these reputable doctors have been accused of speaking misinformation and spreading dangerous lies. Those are two of the favorite labels used by oppressive governments to silence their critics, of which there are always plenty.
The attacks on these doctors have taken the form of shaming, false accusations, character assassination, loss of hospital privileges, revocation of medical licenses and even arrest.
According to Dr. Blaylock, “A good example of this outrage against freedom of speech and providing informed consent information is the suspension by the medical board in Maine of Dr. Meryl Nass’ medical license and the ordering of her to undergo psychiatric evaluation for daring to prescribe Ivermectin and sharing her expertise in this field. I know Dr. Nass personally and can vouch for her integrity, brilliance, and dedication to truth. Her scientific credentials are impeccable. This behavior by a medical licensing board is reminiscent of the methodology of the Soviet KGB during the period when dissidents were incarcerated in psychiatric gulags to silence their dissent.”

That would be ivermectin, a fully documented and safe treatment taken by millions of people for decades. It is on the WHO list of essential medications.
Despite a number of countries refusing or suspending vaccines for minors, the US medical establishment has continued the push to vaccinate everyone, including children. Under the circumstances, one must look for a hidden agenda.
The extreme treatment of Dr. Nass is the buried lede. There has already been a severe crackdown on dissent in America that continues nearly unabated in the mainstream media and from our own government. The next thing to watch for is the use of psychiatry and its ugly stepsister psychology to label dissent and dissenters with mental illness. This repressive practice has been used by EVERY tyrannical government in the last century.
The other target of tyranny is always the children. There has been much talk about the psychological trauma caused to children by various aspects of the pandemic. The stunted social development and delay in academic progress have been documented, not to mention vaccine injuries showing up. There will be more going forward.
One could argue whether more trauma was caused by COVID-19 itself, or by the enforced masking and lockdowns in response and the rampant media fear mongering. For most children, the vaccines have no rational justification.
One thing I can guarantee is that the psychiatric and pharmaceutical machines will not waste the opportunity to push more drugs on our children in the false name of help. That campaign was already underway by October 2021. Medical journals have all jumped on the bandwagon to promote the increase in COVID-related anxiety and mental illness and to recommend psych meds. New prescriptions have sky-rocketed. It turns out pandemics are good business for the mental health industry.
Watch for it. It is coming. With both the medical establishment and the mainstream media bought and paid for by big pharma, you have no choice but to arm yourselves with knowledge and truth from trusted sources. You owe that to the kids.
Ed Thompson has worked in education for over 25 years. With this unique perspective, Ed has insights into what’s broken about our educational system and how we can make it better. He is the host of the Basic Education Series podcast and author of educational and fiction books.
Wrong Speak is a free-expression platform that allows varying viewpoints. All views expressed in this article are the author's own.
My thoughts are they did the EUA just to get the mRNA on the market. They are now approving them for everything. Everyone is talking about the Covid injection damage, just wait til they see the damage from the other mRNA injections. I did see some numbers for kids deaths from RSV injections.
Hand in hand with what they are doing to the children with the pandemic and mental illness is what is happening in schools. The confusion and mental health issues they are creating with the gender identity movement follows along with that.
The reason for pushing the covid vaccines on babies and children was of course profit, and to try and get them on the childhood vaccination schedule. Warren Buffett’s daughter, Mary, wrote about the lucrativeness of vaccines to pharma profits in a 2011 investment strategy book - especially given they have no liability for adverse reactions. Politicians and agencies have been lobbied (effectively purchased) to support this. Some say pharma doesn’t actually care about kids’ health as their illnesses provide more earning opportunities. Often a troll will suggest such comments are against capitalism, but actually they’re against greed via thoughtless harm.