The story of the Titanic is fascinating to me. It's tragic, but the imagery and the many stories of being on that vessel, cruising across the Atlantic Ocean on a ship deemed unsinkable, are breathtaking. She was a large and beautiful ship and the owners had plans for multiple transatlantic voyages.
So why did this magnificent vessel only have one voyage that landed it at the bottom of the ocean?
Some say arrogance played a role, hubris as it were. Some believe the lack of attention to detail and perhaps the overall belief that no matter what, even crashing into an iceberg was no match for the mighty Titanic. Yet there she is at the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea....
After crashing into the iceberg, the captain and the crew went about their business as usual until the business was no longer usual and became critical. Slowly figuring out they were not reacting correctly to what was quickly becoming an unrepairable crisis, the captain and crew began seeing that the systems they thought were in place to save them and their vessel were not there. There were not enough lifeboats or lifejackets on board.
Since they had not properly prepared for what they thought would never happen, loading the lifeboats created problems they were not prepared for. Some lifeboats left the ship half empty. Meanwhile, to distract passengers from the inevitable, the band played music on the deck as the Titanic tipped, lurched, cracked, split, and sank into the ice-cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
This sounds like what is happening to America today.
All of our institutions: our military, our military academies, our local schools, and our government have crashed into the iceberg of liberal progressive politics. They are sinking America into the chilling waters of cancel culture, political correctness, career politicians, misinformation, wokeism, mainstream media, open borders, high inflation, high crime, international turmoil, diversity policies that don't recognize diversity of thought, and climate control madness.
We saw the iceberg ahead. We knew there would be a collision, but we thought we were prepared. We were not. We thought our politicians had our backs. They do not. We thought the Constitution would rule the day. We instead found out that our government is working harder to destroy our Constitution than we are working to keep our Constitution.
The media is playing music that distracts us as we wander around the deck wondering what to do next. We are looking for a savior when the Constitution clearly states, "we the people" are our own savior. Many want to abandon ship. Others believe the ship is headed in the right direction. They believe no matter where this ship ends up, at least "45" is not the captain. Many continue to listen to the hypnotic melodies played by the "band".
Meanwhile, our captain is wandering on the bridge barking out orders that continue to sail the ship in the wrong direction. Our captain is telling us help is on the way and the ship is in better condition than it has ever been, thanks to his leadership. He calls upon our enemies for help and sends billions of the passenger's money to help keep other ships afloat while we continue to take on water.
He says things on our ship would be even better if it weren't for those pesky ULTRA MAGA, semi-fascists on this ship. He says he understands our pain. So, while we sink his focus is on funding other sinking ships and for his passengers, the captain will get those people who didn't buy tickets to sail on the Titanic to pay for the tickets of those who are on the Titanic now. It's the least he can do before the ship disappears into the cold waters of the Atlantic.
America is the Titanic and has crashed into the iceberg of liberal progressive politics and is sinking under the crashing waves of unsustainable woke ideology.
As Americans, we must unite against what is a tyrannical government. We must unite to save those things that have made this country great. We must vote out career politicians such as Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Dianne Feinstein, and Joe Biden. We the people are the only ones who can make America great again.
I don't believe America will sink to the bottom of this ocean of madness, but until the citizens of this country truly wake up and smell what the Biden administration is cooking, the ability to repair the damage done will become more difficult than it already seems. As Americans, we have a lot of work to do. The work doesn't start in 2024, it needs to start now.
We must never abandon the truth. Our forefathers are counting on us, the American people, to use the rights God gave us, to return this nation to glory. Do not be deceived by the media and it's smooth distracting melody, both conservative and liberal. Start thinking for yourselves and begin to change the narrative. Be sure to get out and vote, especially in your state and local elections. It's never too late to patch the gaping hole in this ship I call America.
Do the work and let's make sure we rid ourselves of this destructive, tyrannical government once and for all.
I love analogies to make a point. It gives breathing room to look anew at a subject. Titanic was a great choice. Hopefully this time, it is the elites who are thrown into the icy waters and the lifeboats are given to those who live below.
I read an abstract of a study that argued that when humans become hierarchical (they studied the aboriginal people), the elites in that society ritualistically sacrifice others to maintain power. This is what we need to transcend and I think it is by having a strong community culture.
Yes indeed, a great metaphor for the current state of things; and an inspiring call to action. Thank you