Exploring Disease X: Decoding the Master Plan, Key Players, and Unraveling the Beneficiaries Behind the Next Pandemic
Inspecting the Dynamics of Disease X and Shedding Light on the Forces Steering the Course of Health
The latest annual World Health Organization (WHO) meeting in Davos titled: Preparing for a “Disease X” was held this past week where the WHO’s director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was featured to discuss preparatory steps in what the WHO says will be the next inevitable pandemic. The meeting was in association with the Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience and the Collaborative Surveillance Initiative of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Also included in the panel was member of the World Economic Forum’s Executive Committee, Dr. Shyam Bishen, Roy Jakobs, CEO of Royal Phillips, Dr. Preetha Reddy, vice chairperson of Apollo Hospitals in India and independent director of medical technology company Medtronic, Minister of Health of Brazil and former chairwoman of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Nísia Trindade Lima, CEO of the American Heart Association, Nancy Brown, and Chair of the Board of AstraZeneca, Michel Demaré who stressed that countries around the world are not focused on financing the prevention of the next pandemic.
“There are things that are unknown that may happen, and anything happening is a matter of when, not if, so we need to have a placeholder for that, for the diseases we don’t know,” Ghebreyesus stated.
As far back as February 2018, the World Health Organization’s Research and Development team listed “Disease X” on their list of priority diseases along with a disclaimer for the “serious international epidemic” they say “could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease.”
“* Disease X…The R&D Blueprint explicitly seeks to enable early cross-cutting R&D preparedness that is also relevant for an unknown “Disease X”.
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever
Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus disease
Lassa fever
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Nipah and henipaviral diseases
Rift Valley fever
“Disease X”*
On a separate page on their website, they state that a comprehensive shortlist of the “pathogens and prototype pathogens” posing the highest threat, including “Pathogen X” is expected to be released to the public in early 2024.
The R&D Blueprint for Epidemics is comprised of four consultations between January and February 2024 to identify antigens, discuss what research could have been done better during COVID-19, and the studies of viral structures for vaccine development.
January 9th was the first consultation, A Scientific Framework for Epidemics and Pandemics Preparedness. The second was on January 18th, Critical research for priority pathogens with epidemic potential, the third consultation being Preparing for a “Disease X” panel, and the fourth yet to be announced in February 2024.
The first three consultations can be viewed on the World Health Organization’s website here.
What Is Disease X?
As of now, this disease is simply hypothetical, which is quite convenient for those who are set to benefit from another worldwide pandemic much like the one that recently affected many lives and businesses, unprecedentedly damaging both.
In a March 2020 paper published in The Lancet titled “Disease X: accelerating the development of medical countermeasures for the next pandemic,” the theoretical virus is said to be caused by any pathogen, “including but not limited to viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, or prions.” The paper does stress the possibility of Disease X being a product of zoonotic transmission of a highly virulent RNA virus. Zoonotic transmission is when viruses “jump” from animal hosts to human hosts.
In the Lancet paper’s conclusion, they mention advocating “for the use of iTPPs that outline the full characteristics required for developing de novo medical countermeasures.”
De Novo requests consider classifying novel medical devices based on risks posed to the public by the FDA. The requests must include animal studies if applicable, biocompatibility, software, electromagnetic capabilities, electrical safety of the device, shelf life, and sterilization. Also required is a description of the risk-benefits of rolling out the new devices. Note this includes pharmaceuticals such as prescriptions and vaccines.
iTPP stands for Individually Tailored Partnership Programs and can include sectors such as new technologies, cybersecurity, the defense industry, and climate change.
In addition, Disease X is the perfect vehicle in which to continue to drive home the Climate Change agenda, which has been debunked countless times since it surfaced as one of the world’s top boogeymen society should be concerned with. However, that’s a topic for another day entirely.
Vaccine companies independently raked in billions during COVID-19, while they benefited from federal grants that funded them upfront and APAs, (Advanced Purchase Agreements). APAs essentially remove any liability from these manufacturers, leaving the patients who suffer from adverse effects on their own.
There are many who have benefited in the past as seen with COVID-19, and those same organizations and individuals would benefit again if a new pathogen is the cause of a new pandemic. According to an April 2022 Brookings Metro report, this includes companies like Amazon, Walmart, FedEx, Best Buy, Gap, Starbucks, and Marriott. Other companies that benefited heavily during the pandemic included United Health, Thermo Fisher, Microsoft, Apple, Meta Platforms, Alphabet, and Tesla.
Unsurprisingly, Disease X involves some familiar faces. One major player you may remember from the recent coronavirus pandemic is CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), a coalition that seeks the acceleration of vaccine deployment during epidemics and pandemics.
Founded in 2017 in Davos by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, Wellcome Trust, The Global Fund, UNITAID, and the governments of India and Norway CEPI forecasts the novel hypothetical disease will come from a possible 25 current virus families.
CEPI’s COVAX was launched in April 2020 along with global partners that include world leaders from around the globe, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Gavi), to “ensure equitable access” to COVID-19 vaccines via their ACT accelerator program aka Access to Covid Tool.
CEPI’s 2023 financial disclosure notes contributions from the Gates Philanthropy Partners of $3.88 million pledge, and NOK to the tune of $600 million, “frontloaded in 2019 through IFFIm”, and $2 billion “frontloaded through IFFIm from COVID-19 in 2020.”
The IFFIm, International Finance Facility for Immunisation is defined as “a multilateral development institution created to accelerate the availability of predictable, long-term funds for health and immunization programs through the GAVI Alliance in 70 of the poorest countries around the world. IFFIm was created as a development financing tool to help the international community achieve the Millennium Development Goals. IFFIm's financial base consists of legally binding grants payments from its sovereign sponsors (France, Italy, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and the UK), on the basis of which IFFIm's is rated AAA/Aaa/AA+ (Fitch/Moody's/S&P). With the backing of these pledges, IFFIm borrows money by issuing bonds in the capital markets to fund vaccination programs in developing countries, thus using financial markets to frontload commitments,” per the World Bank website.
Other large contributions come from Wellcome Trust, These contributions were during CEPI 1.0 which covers the company’s 5-year period from 2017-2021. CEPI 2.0 covers 2022-2026.
With the theoretical Disease X surely on the horizon, according to the WHO, CEPI seeks to deploy vaccines to the world within 100 days of declaring the next pandemic caused by the virus.
The reaction from the public to the WHO’s latest efforts in preparing the world for the next pandemic has not been positive. Many see these unelected officials who reigned over the COVID-19 pandemic response as untrustworthy opportunists. Cui bono?
In addition to the loss of trust in the CDC and the WHO, Americans have lost trust in the media sources they used to rely on.
Editor-in-Chief of the Wall Street Journal, Emma Tucker during a discussion named “Defending Truth” at the January 19 WEF forum lamented that legacy media used to be the fact bringers. “If you go back really not that long ago, as I say, we owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well.”
Dr. Lindley asks a great question. How do they know Disease X will be 20x more lethal than COVID-19? You may remember similar curious predictions of pandemic-level viruses being predicted not once, but several times prior to the coronavirus outbreak by former NIH director Anthony Fauci, and of course, vaccine aficionado Bill Gates.
In 2017, the tabletop exercise SPARS 2025-2028 was executed. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted the Clade X pandemic tabletop exercise on May 15, 2018, in Washington, DC. Next up was Event 201 which was rolled out one month before the first instance of COVID-19 being found in a patient in Wuhan in November 2019. A coincidence, no doubt. If you are to say anything otherwise you will be labeled a conspiracy theorist.
It’s worth noting that on June 5, 2023 HR 3832: Disease X Act of 2023 was curiously introduced by Trahan, Burgess, Lee, and Crenshaw which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The bill seeks to establish a medical countermeasure program via the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) “to specifically include viral threats that have the potential to cause a pandemic.” The bill was recently published on January 16th, 2024.
Nigel Farage shares the sentiment that resonates with a large percentage of the world’s population, “Why don’t we tell the WHO to go to hell?”
The Vigilant Fox featured Dr. David Martin’s response to the WHO forum on 𝕏 where Dr. Martin said Disease X is simply Clade X revisited. He stated that the Wellcome Trust and the Rockefeller Foundation set in motion the funding of the World Health Organization to receive absolute immunity.
“What they’re doing in Davos is actually the dry run of the Clade X exercise to get ready for the passage of the IHR World Health Organization Treaty reform, which is intended to take over a supra sovereignty on any declared emergency,” Dr. Martin declared.
He continued:
“The fact of the matter is what’s happening in Davos right now is the planning phase, not unlike the Bretton Woods Summit was in 1944, July of 1944 when Bretton Woods set in motion all this nonsense. The fact of the matter is, what they’re doing right now is they’re planning the sequence of events where they can actually cascade another terror campaign which then triggers not only the need for allegedly another medical countermeasure but it also, this time, is going to involve the other piece that they failed to achieve with the COVID campaign, which is the eradication of cash-based transactions in commercial interaction.
Because it turns out that one of the things that they desperately need to do is to make sure that they have central control on the flow of value exchange and the mapping of the networks associated with that. And because of that, it’s critical that they plan better than they did with COVID because they blundered their way into COVID and unfortunately they did not do the full control takeover that they wanted. Which is exactly what is on the agenda for Davos this week.”
With so many who benefit from illness and death, it’s difficult to look past the planning of another pandemic when we’ve seen these preparatory exercises run a number of times in the past, and only a matter of months before the entire world was subjected to COVID-19 and it’s repercussions. These tabletop exercises run through scenarios that not only include the rollout of vaccines and other medical therapeutics with zero liability falling on the manufacturers or distributors, but also the handling of media to include controlling the reach of any information that is not complimentary and counters their actions.
The pandemic has proven to be a mass trauma event much like that of 9/11 that will continue to affect all sectors of our population from losing family members to education which is seemingly in a perpetual freezeframe, to families who are still recovering financially from refusing mandated experimental vaccines being implemented in businesses nationwide.
Perhaps the most disturbing thing about Disease X is the public’s inability to prevent any of it. Not just the pandemic wreaking havoc on the health of a population, but the fallout that follows, as we’ve already lived through once.
Fear, among the spectrum of human emotions, holds significant power. While proving highly beneficial in circumstances involving imminent danger, it becomes the most crippling and perilous emotion when it lingers without justification. Control is sure to follow.
As the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko so eloquently stated, “If you induce a chronic anxiety or fear state, and you isolate someone from the people they love, and you dehumanize them by putting a face diaper on – what’s going to happen for the majority of people is they’re going to psychologically decompensate: they become vulnerable, gullible and very easy to manipulate.”
Well written and informative. Thank you for your time and for sharing your knowledge Haley!
Subbed to your substack. 😁