If AI will be “smarter” than us, should it also come to the point that it knows only biological females can be women, despite its original programming?

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I do wish commentators about technological and social change would be more reflective about the language they use. The phrase ‘technological advancements’ used repeatedly in this text implies that technological change is autonomous and always progressive yet the author is supposedly arguing otherwise, leading to a confusing lack of clarity.

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People won’t need to be trained for new jobs. The ai and robots will take all the jobs. This is a good thing. We don’t want jobs we want foods and services. These things will become so cheap that everyone will be wealthy. People won’t need to work. We can all live like the wealthy elite, like the nobles of years past. We will have robot servants waiting on us. GDP and money and all of that will become a moot point.

That’s not to say there aren’t risks. But that isn’t one of them.

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AI is only as "good" as the person that programs it. When I look and see the type of companies building AI there is little hope in my heart. The type of people that work at those companies have shown their stripe for continuing to work where the censorship, doxing, and DEI were born and raised.

"Live free or die! Death isn't the worse option." John Stark 1809

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