The Republican Party has a unique opportunity which began on January 20th, 2025. The Republican victory provided the leverage to reverse or erase the left's excesses implemented during the Biden years. Never before in American history has the Democratic Party pushed an ideology so far to the left. This happened because Biden lied to the American people about his agenda during the campaign. If the truth had been known, he would not have been elected.
Now that they have control, the Republican Party has a responsibility to govern in a way that achieves success as measured by the American people. The American people are recovering from four years where free speech was threatened, and the left was dishonest about its activities and intentions. The country needs sunlight on the workings of government. To succeed, Republicans must discard their traditional shortcomings, including a lack of attention given to the middle class and infighting that accomplishes nothing other than standing in the way of party unity.

Republicans have control of the entire government, so the stage is already set for some level of success. Their major adversaries are the Democratic Party, the Republican establishment, major corporations, and their lobbyists. The Democratic Party will do everything it can to block all the Trump initiatives, most likely through lawsuits. Their strategy will be to delay the implementation of many of his executive orders.
The Republican establishment will oppose Trump for two reasons: they want to control the Party, and as long as he is controlling it, they can’t, and they are driven by ideology rather than practicality and refuse to see their favorite traditions changed. Trump will control the Republican establishment through his appointment of loyalists who agree with his agenda.
Major corporations will continue to utilize their traditional tool for creating leverage – the lobbyist. In recent years, lobbyists have become more influential based on the elected official’s increasing need for campaign money. One measure of their new influence is perceived “uniparty” operations. When both parties discard their ideological principles on an issue, they both have been compromised by corporate influence.
For example, conservatives are known for wanting a cap on government expenditures. They see an expanding bureaucracy as wasteful and inefficient, ultimately bankrupting the nation. During the George Bush years, Republicans supported significant spending, which went against the principles of conservatism.
Trump has leverage with large corporations for a couple of reasons. First, he is a successful businessman who understands the CEO’s problems. Second, Trump has prioritized building American businesses in America. Third, he will put federal money behind common-sense business-building projects.
The New Constituency
The Republican Party must be redefined. The old Party was run by billionaire industrialists who sought only to protect their wealth. While the Republicans were supporting the elites, the Democratic Party was supporting the common man. Today, however, we find ourselves in a juxtaposed world where down is up and up is down.
The Democrats, starting at the beginning of this century, shifted their political allegiance from the common man to Silicon Valley billionaires. Together, they began to push a neoliberal-globalist agenda, which supports unlimited immigration and radical climate change activism. The West Coast donors became a money machine for Democrat campaigns, as shown by the $ 1 billion they threw into Kamala’s losing effort. The Democrats took the unions with them on their new voyage but left behind middle-class and lower-middle-class workers.
Those groups, now abandoned, searched for a candidate to embrace them or a populist to lead them out of the wilderness. A populist came down the escalator in 2015. The connection between the MAGA people and Trump allowed the candidate to cut through his primary opponents like a hot knife through butter. In the general election, he eked out a close victory over an arrogant Democratic Party that did not take him seriously.
MAGA became the foundation for the 2024 election by staying together as a critical voting block. When the votes of those unhappy with the Biden presidency were added to MAGA, victory was possible.
As the Democratic Party has become richer, the Republican Party has become more middle-class, with a less educated electorate and lower incomes than traditional Republicans. This Trump term and beyond will test the Republican Party’s ability to relate to and support its new constituency. Trump supports MAGA, but he can’t produce meaningful legislation without the support of the Republican Congress.
Nancy Pelosi was a master at keeping her Party unified. Those who strayed from the party line were quickly chastised and threatened with a primary opponent. The Republicans have no such leader. As individualists, they don’t like being herded into doing anything. Worse yet are the small Republican factions that constantly cause trouble over ideology. The most prominent is the Freedom Caucus, which often tries to block spending bills it doesn’t like.
Trump spent his interim four years trying to purge the Party of his opponents. He learned his lesson the first time around when he put establishment people in his cabinet, and they betrayed him. His new cabinet will support his agenda, so there will be unity in the executive branch.
Republican Party unity is essential for the success of Trump’s second term. They have to be unified in support of the middle class in order to carry the MAGA coalition forward. The Republicans must do the required work so they can hand off MAGA to a successor by the end of Trump’s second term.
Failing in these two objectives will mean a continuation of the Republican Party as the opposition while the Democrats run the government. You have been warned.
Wrong Speak is a free-expression platform that allows varying viewpoints. All views expressed in this article are the author's own.
I want to hope they heed this but republicans are often their own worst enemies & right now we could use them but I'm not holding my breath.